My Thoughts on the Secret of Success According to Socrates

The Pupil's Desire for His Teacher's Knowledge One day, Socrates and his pupil were walking down the beach. The teacher asked the boy to come along with him to the sea to which the latter obliged. When the water was about the pupil's shoulder height, Socrates ducked him into the water as if he was … Continue reading My Thoughts on the Secret of Success According to Socrates

Saying Yes or No: Some Important Lessons on Setting Boundaries

Image SourceFont by Divide by Zero   Have you ever been contacted by anyone via Messenger or Whatsapp, either by a distant relative, or a classmate from way back primary or high school years, or a work colleague, and all of whom you were never really close with or have never actually had any connection … Continue reading Saying Yes or No: Some Important Lessons on Setting Boundaries

Teaching Techniques: Learn the Art of Asking Questions

An article from Early Childhood Today, the Magazine for Early Childhood Professionals, entitled "The Art of Asking Questions" by Ellen Booth Church, has evoked my memories of myself as a student in the university. Some of my professors employed the Socratic way of questioning, and I can remember that because of their styles and methods … Continue reading Teaching Techniques: Learn the Art of Asking Questions

My Multifaceted Life… Just Like the Movies

Because it's the weekend, and I am also procrastinating (well, I am deliberately avoiding to finish my assignment), I watched two of my favourite movies - IN HER SHOESand THE NOTEBOOK - again!!! I love these films so much that I actually have watched them numerous times, and I have read the books as well. Mind you, books … Continue reading My Multifaceted Life… Just Like the Movies