Setting up an Active Learning Environment (Part 2)

In my post, Setting up an Active Learning Environment (Part 1), I detailed how I would plan and execute the outdoor activities for the children. This gets changed either on a daily or on a weekly basis, depending on the level of engagement of the children with the activities or equipment that are set up. Therefore, … Continue reading Setting up an Active Learning Environment (Part 2)

How do you Help your Children Build a Rich Vocabulary Day by Day?

The foundation of literacy learning, that is, the ability to read and write, is represented by language and vocabulary. If children do not develop strong verbal language or communication skills and vocabulary in their early years, they will find it difficult to keep pace with other children who are well advanced in terms of these … Continue reading How do you Help your Children Build a Rich Vocabulary Day by Day?

Teaching Techniques: Learn the Art of Asking Questions

An article from Early Childhood Today, the Magazine for Early Childhood Professionals, entitled "The Art of Asking Questions" by Ellen Booth Church, has evoked my memories of myself as a student in the university. Some of my professors employed the Socratic way of questioning, and I can remember that because of their styles and methods … Continue reading Teaching Techniques: Learn the Art of Asking Questions