My Definition of a Perfect Relationship

Imagine you are in this kind of relationship: You and your significant other are "lovey-doveys" that you always agree with each other and have never had a disagreement about anything. You don't stir each other up. "stir somebody up" means to deliberately try to cause arguments or bad feelings between people. Longman Dictionary You both never … Continue reading My Definition of a Perfect Relationship

Benefits of Physical Activity to Young Children

Children need exercise, lots of physical movements, music and more time outdoors. They should be given more opportunities to develop their physical skills, such as locomotor, stability or balance and manipulative, in order to achieve their maximum potential. Locomotor skills include running, walking, jogging, skipping, sprinting. Stability skills include balancing, jumping. Manipulative skills include throwing, … Continue reading Benefits of Physical Activity to Young Children

Saying Yes or No: Some Important Lessons on Setting Boundaries

Image SourceFont by Divide by Zero   Have you ever been contacted by anyone via Messenger or Whatsapp, either by a distant relative, or a classmate from way back primary or high school years, or a work colleague, and all of whom you were never really close with or have never actually had any connection … Continue reading Saying Yes or No: Some Important Lessons on Setting Boundaries

Acknowledging the Positive and Negative in my Life

  When #ulog, initiated by @surpassinggoogle came about, I did not jump on the bandwagon straight away because of "fear of the unknown." It's a territory that I did not want to explore because I thought to myself, "my life is a bit boring, just normal routine every day, I don't know anything that is really fabulous about … Continue reading Acknowledging the Positive and Negative in my Life

“How the Cockatoo Met its Demise”: A Lesson on Friendship

Barossa Valley, South Australia Photo by @evlachsblog Have you read or heard the story about the farmer/winegrower who was being pestered by a flock of crows in his vineyard every day? Well, the story goes like this: The farmer's vineyards were getting destroyed by these pesky crows on a daily basis, so he decided he had … Continue reading “How the Cockatoo Met its Demise”: A Lesson on Friendship

Parents Alert: “What to do if your child is always competing for attention”

Children have an insatiable need for attention. It's probably due to the constant praises and recognition they received from the time they were born or the lack thereof. First time they utter a word, roll over, crawl, stand on their own, or communicate what they want, parents and other people in their lives are immediately … Continue reading Parents Alert: “What to do if your child is always competing for attention”

Have you considered writing down your dreams (not just your goals or aspirations, but your ACTUAL DREAMS)?

A few months ago, I had a dream, and I could still vividly remember what it was. I was driving with Jodie Foster (obviously, it's a dream!) on the highway near a forest, then accidentally, we witnessed a crime, a mass murder by a gang but they were not aware we were there. The two … Continue reading Have you considered writing down your dreams (not just your goals or aspirations, but your ACTUAL DREAMS)?