My Advice for People with Diabetes (Type 1)

One of the greatest lessons one has to learn from this condition is to find out everything about Type 1 diabetes, also called “juvenile diabetes”. Knowledge is power, particularly with this disease. Because people do not know much about it, the usual notion is to consider it as a grave disease. But if you dig deeper, it only becomes dangerous because most of the patients are not well-informed. The lack of information prevents them from taking the necessary precautions.

Acceptance and optimism towards the disease are also important. The sooner a person accepts his condition and takes the steps to address it, the better. Moving on will not deter the patient’s condition but even increase his chance of survival.


Discipline is another cardinal rule. Sufficient exercise, close monitoring of blood sugar level and a healthy diet really help in living with diabetes.

Diabetes is a manageable disease. There are no reasons for a patient to get frustrated with it. The right attitude and knowledge is still the best defence against this illness. One should not stop dreaming that one day, the cure for diabetes will be discovered. And people with diabetes have to maintain their positive outlook and continue their advocacy to help other people in coping with this condition.

Image Source 

Diabetes Victoria (2017). Diabetes and Healthy Eating. Retrieved from



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